Wednesday 26 January 2011

General Info

Shown here is the work for my Graphic Design course for the past 2 years at college. I have been doing Graphics for approximately 4 years, and it has always proven to be one of my most enjoyable and interesting subjects. The work here includes pages from my earlier projects (advertising Manchester) to my more recent projects (film poster design).

I have included an array of pages throughout my development of my project, from research pages to brainstorm. However, the majority of the pictures are from my poster ideas and poster development, as I spent a lot of time in all my projects on these parts. I like seeing how I can progress from an initial idea, develop it, and come out with a poster that looks completely different to the original, and the work posted shows this.

Graphic Design has always been something I've enjoyed. At times, the deadlines and work has put pressure on me, but I always manage to get all the work done before deadlines, and working to a deadline has made me more organised all around.

The majority of my work always tends to be digital and working on the computers. That's not to say I haven't tried to work by hand, and as some of the work here shows, I have done line drawings of some of my photographed imagery for my projects. So, whilst my strengths may lie in digital creations, collecting the components of something like a poster through other means like mono print line drawings is always something I'm willing to try.

Finally, I also like to dabble in a bit of photography. As I have never really had much of a chance to try photography, when my Graphic Design course at college gave me the opportunity to try it out, I tried it. Photography has been essential for all of my designs, and I like seeing how an image can be changed and distorted, resulting in it looking completely different from what it once was.

In conclusion, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time spent doing Graphic Design throughout my education, and I hope to further it and learn new techniques and grow a broader understanding of how design can influence and persuade.

Manchester Postcard Final Design

Adobe Photoshop Techniques

Manchester Vertical


Exam Work

Development of an Idea

Development of an Idea

Saul Bass work

Toy Cars Final

Initial Ideas (unit 3)

Film Focus - Inception

Final Design Choices